Iindustrial Raver Dance Team |x[ARG]x| emerged from the need of keeping the raver spirit, where the bottom line seemed to be the outside look and exalt the ego, rather than feeling the music and enjoy the experience learned from the world in 45 Hz.
//// N4sm4 (Nasma)
►habilities: Visual Artist, cartoonist, image editor, runic magician, writer(?)
►habilities: Visual Artist, cartoonist, image editor, runic magician, writer(?)
►motto: “Default Random”
//// Ciel
►habilities: High School Studient
►habilities: High School Studient
►motto: "Don't Bug Me"
//// Zizhar .212.
►habilities: Disk-jockey; mechanic; Clothe Designer; mason and cook.
►motto: "Be free or die tryin"
//// Romina
►habilities: Exotic Dancer, Choreographer, Medium, Spiritual Guide of Energy Balance, Draughtsman.
►motto: "We are energy in motion"
►motto: "We are energy in motion"
//// Ciel
►habilities: Charisma, Over 5 different music styles dancer, musician, plastic artist.
►Motto: "What is essential is invisible to the human eye"//// Sam
►habilities: High School Student, with aspirations to music, graphic designer, clothe designer and dancer.►motto: "Ojota". "oh it's mega cute!"
//// Derek
►habilities: kitchen helper, dog walker, musician, artist, performer. FX student soon.►motto: "Don't feel defeated, even seeing your head rolling" [Almafuerte.]
//// Sadystick
►habilities: Dancer, Sushiwoman, Clothe designer soon and actually finishing some high school subjects.►motto: Cuteee ♥♥♥♥
Under the PLUR thoughts, the I.R.D.T covers a lot of musical genres, from Ayria to Pantera... because for them "there aren't limits while music guides your spirit".
"...For us the appearence is not important cause anyone can dance as long as you enjoy the music, and that's what matters, music is a way of being yourself..."
Without other objective than having fun and performing, they can be seen in almost all the under parties of the city.
"...What we really want is to have fun! and spread the party spirit to everyone. Don't let the party ever end..."
Although being a group, they cannot escape from prejudices and language tricks...
"...some people doesn't understand our style and our way to feel music. People usually surprises and wonders, it calls their atention what's strange or unknown. Someones also congratulates us for our energy at the dance floor!... However we consider negative criticism important, because everything help us to grow and improve...."
Whwn we asked them if this aesthetic was part of their daily life or if it was only a performing costume, they said that it was much more than just that, that's a part of their personality.
"...As a reflection of our personality will mutate over time, but our rules and codes always remain inert. It's not a fashion... is part of our roots, stems from the depths of our being..."
Over the world there are millions of young people who do not have the oportunity to express themselves freely because of abuse, bullying and discrimination. That's why this blog is responsible for giving examples of ordinary people who take their aesthetics adn their lifestyles beyond fashion magazines or tv shows.
"...Everyone has to be as it is, the criticism will come doing all good or all bad, it's the same, it doesn't matter if you are "normal" or superfreak. While it makes you happy, nothing else matters..."
Estos bolivianos son una verguenza para los argentinos!!! si los cruzan gente de europa me muero de verguenzaaaaaaaaaaa
ResponderEliminarhagan colecta para comprarse ropa o mejor desistan porque la raza no les da!!!!
ResponderEliminarsorry man pero aca nadie esta hablando de razas ni nada parecido eso es obsoleto desde la epoca de newton! XD
esta bien si tenes una opinion diferente pero fijate que tenga que ver con lo que se escribe ams arriba sino no tiene sentido el comment :)
lamento informar a "anonimo" (que guapo no poner el nombre obvia verguenza para su pais y su raza)que ninguno de los miembros del INDUSTRIAL-RAVER DANCE TEAM <|x[ARG]x|> es de origen boliviano, todos nacimos en ARGENTINA y estamos orgullosos de ello, por eso nuestra insignia tiene la bandera que tanto amamos y defendemos, no con palabras sino con echos trabajando para hacerla grande como lo merece.
ResponderEliminarCualquier otro comentario que tengas podes hacenoslas personalmente cuando quieras, si visitas la pagina lo veras, podes ubicarnos en las fiestas y los eventos a los que vamos y te mostramos los documentos.
atte: Zizhar
PD: raza tienen los animales, si a lo que te referis es a casta o linaje, lamento decirte que tambien estas equivocado.
Anonimo1: Muchas gracias por tu tiempo, y por la energía que utilizaste al pulsar cada una de las letras de tu comentario, yo soy N4sm4, no me escudo en el anonimato para hacer trolling(me pregunto si sabrás lo que esto significa, no me importa), nos decis bolivianos, te cuento, en palabras fáciles así me entendes, ninguno del dance-team es boliviano, y si lo hubiera cual sería el problema? Estamos orgullosos de ser argentinos y varias personas de Europa se comunicaron con nosotros, incluyendo musicos y artistas, y no por eso nos sentimos más importantes o menos latinos(?). Hablas de razas, te cuento la palabra raza no se aplica a los humanos, no necesitamos hacer colecta para comprar absolutamente nada, ni creemos que vestirnos mejor nos va a hacer mejores en lo que hacemos. No nos interesa agradarles a todo el mundo, o que todo el mundo piense en nosotros, o dedique parte de su tiempo en comentar notas como estas. Desde ya agradecemos cada segundo tuyo que usaste para pensarlo y escribir el comentario acá. Y no vamos a desistir. Por último te digo que cada miembro del Industrial-Raver Dance Team le vamos a dar la importancia que nosotros creemos que se merece a tu comentario.
ResponderEliminarAnónimo 2 gracias por tu aporte de sentido común, ya que lamentablemente hay personas que confunden las cosas.
Kurara, gracias por tu espacio en tu blog y las demás notas y entradas que les muestran realidades diferentes que quizas no todos conocen, está muy bueno el blog.
gracias N4sm4 :3
ResponderEliminarspread the word, spread the love! ^^